Home > Business Product > Professional Display System > Projector > High Brightness Portable > PT-VW540
Best Qualified for Collaboration
Get the best of both worlds in a projector that works brilliantly as a high-brightness portable for large boardrooms, meeting spaces, and classrooms, or as an easily managed ceiling installation solution thanks to single-cable DIGITAL LINK*. However it’s used, there’s full wireless* media casting support so everybody can serve punchy, pin-sharp pictures in well-lit spaces.
Boosted Picture Quality with Up to 5,500 lm and 16,000:1 Contrast
WUXGA (1920 x 1200 pixel) resolution native to the PT-VZ585N/VZ580/VZ470 brings crisp Full HD to meeting spaces and classrooms for immersive viewing. With brightness of up to 5,500 lm*1 and a class-leading 16,000:1 contrast ratio*2, your audience is treated to vivid colors, inky blacks, pure highlights, and clearly legible text reproduction even in bright conditions.
*1 For PT-VW545N/VW540/VX615N/VX615. PT-VZ585N/VZ580 features 5,000 lm and PT-VZ470 features 4,400 lm of brightness. *2 Excluding PT-VZ470. PT-VZ470 features 10,000:1 contrast ratio.

6-Colors Adjustment and Color Correction Functions*
Correct slight color variations in the reproduction range of individual units set up for multi-projection. This is particularly useful for side-by-side configurations delivering ultra-wide-screen pictures. Very large images can be seamlessly presented in auditoriums and boardrooms.
* Excluding PT-VZ470.
Efficient Low-Maintenance Design
Less maintenance is not only good for your budget, but also the environment. Air filter replacement cycle is at a class-leading 7,000 hours, and the unit can be washed and reused twice*1 to minimize waste. Lamp life is also pushed out to 7,000 hours in ECO2 mode*2, meaning part refreshment can be performed together with filter maintenance to reduce downtime.
*1 Filter replacement cycle is calculated based on time when projector’s built-in sensor detects clogging and powers projector down. Please follow the procedures listed in the operating instructions when washing the filter with water. Replacement is recommended after filter has been washed and reused twice, or if filter is not sufficiently clean after washing. Filter replacement cycle is a guideline and may be reduced depending on environmental conditions. PT-VZ470’s filter cannot be washed with water. *2 Maximum value with Lamp Mode set to ECO2. 5,000 hours in Normal Mode and 6,000 hours in ECO1 Mode (7,000 hours in ECO Mode, 5,000 hours in Normal Mode for PT-VZ470). Lamp replacement cycle is a guideline and may be reduced depending on environmental conditions.
Daylight View Basic
Panasonic technology assures sharp and comfortably viewed images even with the blinds open by enhancing fine details (particularly in dark areas of the image) that are normally difficult to see in bright rooms. A built-in sensor measures ambient light while Daylight View Basic adjusts halftone color and brightness to suit ambient illumination*.
* With Daylight View Basic set to AUTO mode.